Key factor for win 亚冠 艾因VS利雅新月

Al Ain are not doing very well in the domestic championship, they are third in the table, and one of the reasons for that is to focus on the Champions League, where they play very well. They strolled through the group stage where they won 15 out of a possible 18 points to top Group A, leading to a clash against Uzbek Super League side Nassaf in the Round of 16. After a goalless first leg, Al Ain won at home in the second leg with a score of 2-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals. There they faced Al Nasr who was the absolute favourite, but the popular "bosses" made a big surprise under the bat of Hernan Crespo by advancing on penalties that had to be taken because it was 4-4 after 210 minutes of play. On the other hand, we should not waste too many words on the dominance of Al Hilal, who tied for 34 victories in all competitions, which is an absolute world record and Jesus' team justifies the big money invested in them. "Blue Wave" almost won the Super Cup of Saudi Arabia, and is doing great in other competitions as well, fighting on four fronts. They are first in the table of the domestic championship, and with that they reached the semi-finals of the cup and the Champions League. However, today they will be without Mitrović and Neymar, but even so, they are big favourites. Traditionally, Al Hilal has an advantage in head-to-head duels and in 13 games they won six times, Al Ain triumphed on five occasions, while two draws were also seen. If Al Ain was in better form we could talk about some possible upsets but at the given moment Al Hilal is too strong for Qatari team.


阿尔艾因在国内联赛中表现不太好,他们目前在积分榜上排名第三,原因之一是他们把注意力集中在冠军联赛上,他们在那里踢得很好。他们在小组赛中轻松过关,在可能得到18分的情况下拿下15分,以a组第一的身份出线,在16强对阵乌兹别克超级联赛球队纳萨夫。在首回合0比0的情况下,阿尔艾因队在次回合主场以2比1的比分获胜,晋级四分之一决赛。在那里,他们面对的是绝对热门的阿尔·纳斯尔,但在赫尔南·克雷斯波的带领下,受欢迎的“老板们”在点球大战中取得了巨大的惊喜,因为比赛进行了210分钟,比分是4-4。另一方面,我们不应该在Al Hilal的统治地位上浪费太多的话,他在所有比赛中都取得了34场胜利,这是一个绝对的世界纪录,Jesus的团队值得在他们身上投入大笔资金。“蓝色浪潮”几乎赢得了沙特阿拉伯的超级杯,在其他比赛中也表现出色,在四条战线上战斗。他们在国内联赛积分榜上排名第一,并因此进入了杯赛和欧冠半决赛。然而,今天他们将失去米特罗维奇和内马尔,但即便如此,他们仍然是大热门。传统上,阿尔希拉尔在正面对决中有优势,在13场比赛中他们赢了6次,阿尔艾因赢了5次,也有2次平局。如果艾因有更好的状态,我们可以谈论一些可能的混乱,但是在给定的时刻,阿尔希拉尔对卡塔尔队来说太强大了。


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