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Palmeiras vs Liverpool URU

Palmeiras since Coach Abel Ferreira arrived in the club has been winning titles after titles and a couple days ago he won another one, the Paulista against Santos and now they can put 100% in Copa Libertadores after drawing the 1st game 1:1 against San Lorenzo on the road and the opponent they will face today should be a nice one for Palmeiras get their 1st win in the group stage since the Copa Libertadores is once again a goal for the team this season, they already won it twice in the last four years and this season they are once again one of the favourites to win it all once again.

Liverpool URU started their campaign in this group stage with a 1:1 draw at home against Independiente del Valle, the result overall was very good because they faced a good team but if we look at the game overall they have no clue how they got the draw. In the first half Independiente del Valle could have been easily up by 3:0 and in the 2nd half they could have scored some goals too but what happened is that they suffered the 1:1 in a free kick where the wall made a mistakes, so if we look at the result it was a nice result for Liverpool URU but if we look at the bigger picture, they got dominated and shoud have lost that game by 3 or more goals, they just were lucky that their opponent didn't took care of their chances.

Liverpool URU is for me the weakest team in this group, from the game I saw from them they play reckless football, they lose tons of balls and Palmeiras is a team who usually takes care of those mistakes and hurt opponents and that combined that Palmeiras is the much better team here, are at home and needs the 3 points I expect Palmeiras to control a dominate the whole game and beat Liverpool URU by at least 2 goals difference, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them winning by more if they are effective with their chances.

Good Luck




利物浦在小组赛的第一场比赛中主场1:1战平了瓦莱独立队,总的来说结果是非常好的,因为他们面对的是一支优秀的球队,但如果我们从整体上看比赛,他们就不知道他们是如何取得平局的。上半年独立队del Valle可能是容易被握在下半场他们也可以取得了一些目标,但发生的事情是,他们遭受了1:1的任意球,墙上做了一个错误,如果我们看看利物浦迷雾之岛的结果这是一个很好的结果如果我们看大局,他们主导,应该以3或更多的球输掉了比赛,他们很幸运,他们的对手没有照顾他们的机会。




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