A good pick for the second division! 西乙 西班牙人VS韦斯卡

Espanyol is one of the best teams in the Second Division. Relegated last season from La Liga, they have a big budget and kept many players in the squad, who are class above for this category.

As always for the teams newly relegated to this category, they started the season struggling to reach the top positions. They were out of the TOP2 for 4 months, since October when new coach Ramis came to the club.

But now they are performing well, fighting for the title which is their main target. They are second in the league with the best attack after scoring 46 goals in 28 games, mainly thanks to their striker Braithwaite who is the topscorer of the league with 17 goals. A striker like him (ex from Barcelona, international with Denmark…) is an absolute beast for the second division. He is in great form recently, with great performances and 8 goals scored in the last 6 games.

Espanyol is also one of the best home teams in the league with a balance of 9/4/1, whilst the defeat came against leaders Leganes. At home they are a very difficult team to beat as they have a very strong attack and always create many chances.

They are also coming with a lot of confidence after an epic victory 2:3 against Eibar (a rival for the promotion), where at 95’ they were losing 2:1.

On the other hand, Huesca is a mid table team from this league. They started the campaign really bad but lately improved a lot, and now are in the best moment of the season. At the moment they are 16th and 2 points above relegation, with only 7 victories so far (same as other two relegation teams like Alcorcon or Villareal B).

Although they are unbeaten in the last 5 and achieved good results recently, the majority of those results came against weak teams from the lower part of the table. They lost against Eibar (2:1), Levante (2:1) or Valladolid (0:1), all of them similar teams so Espanyol.

Curiously, they are a strong away team, where they are the second best team in the league (4/6/4), but as said, they have not played against many top teams away still.

Espanyol has much more quality and Huesca, in spite of their good form, have been outplayed by all top teams this season. Hosts are favorites and should be able to keep the tree points at home here.












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