PSG has to win 欧冠 多特蒙德VS巴黎圣曼

Borussia Dortmund is undoubtedly in a difficult phase at the moment. In the Bundesliga, the reigning runner-up is already four points behind the Champions League places in fifth place after the 2-3 home defeat against RB Leipzig, and in the DFB Cup the black and yellow delivered an anemic performance in Stuttgart eight days ago, which ultimately ended in defeat led to a completely deserved elimination. Almost worse than the sobering results, however, is the way in which the Dortmund team regularly surrenders to their own fate and only adapts reactively to the opponent instead of pursuing their own game idea.It is all the more surprising that coach Terzic's team has already secured a ticket to the round of 16 in the group of death of the UEFA Champions League with one match day remaining. For the first time since 2020/21, when they even made it to the quarter-finals, they now win the group in the premier class. This requires at least one point in the home game against the French champions.The mood at PSG is currently quite tense. But that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the fact that the results weren't right recently. It is much more due to the dangerous starting position for the last matchday in Group F. The challenge in Signal Iduna Park is therefore not just a sporting one, but also a mental one. The reigning national champions have lost all of their last three CL away games. In general, two wins in five group games are of course far too little for the high demands of the Qatari investors, who again invested over 300 million euros in the team in the summer in order to finally be able to fulfill their dream of winning the trophy. Guests simply have to win this,Dortmund play for nothing so I will go with PSG,who is more motivated to win


毫无疑问,多特蒙德目前正处于一个困难的阶段。在德甲联赛中,在主场2-3负于莱比锡RB之后,卫冕亚军已经落后欧冠第五名4分。在八天前的德国足总杯上,黑黄军团在斯图加特表现不佳,最终以失败告终,被淘汰出局是理所应当的。然而,比这些令人警醒的结果更糟糕的是,多特蒙德球队经常屈服于自己的命运,只是被动地适应对手,而不是追求自己的比赛理念。更让人惊讶的是,主教练特齐奇的球队已经拿到了欧冠死亡之组16强的入场券,而比赛还剩下一个比赛日。自2020/21赛季打进1 / 4决赛以来,他们首次在小组赛中获胜。这需要在主场对阵法甲冠军的比赛中至少拿到一分。巴黎圣日耳曼目前的气氛相当紧张。但这并不一定与最近的结果不正确有任何关系。这主要是由于f组最后一个比赛日的首发位置非常危险。因此,在信号伊杜纳公园球场的挑战不仅是体育上的,也是精神上的。这支卫冕冠军最近三场客场比赛全部输掉。总的来说,对于卡塔尔投资者的高要求来说,五场小组赛中的两场胜利当然是太少了。为了最终能够实现夺冠的梦想,卡塔尔投资者在今年夏天再次向球队投资了3亿多欧元。客人只需要赢得这场比赛,多特蒙德没有任何意义,所以我会选择巴黎圣日耳曼,他们更有动力去赢球


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